Having reviewed some wonderful blogs I noticed that many include photo’s of family, friends, pets etc so I thought I would post a picture of my daughter’s horse, Hensen.  We should really have named him ‘Masport’ after the well known motor mower, because Hensen seems to mow through a lot of our family’s hard earned cash! While he may not be special to many others, he is treated like royalty by his rider.  He has a dentist, a massage therapist, a vet, and a farrier – we are yet to engage a feng shui advisor for his grazing area, but Im of no doubt that this may not be totally ruled out. A lot of time has been invested in this nag horse, during wind, rain, hail and scorching heat, tending to his every need.  Not to mention the trips to various saddlery shops to buy all the trimmings, magazines etc that go hand in hand with equine interests – all this and he is not an Olympic contender!! But he is the love of my daughter’slife and as such is special to us. As I type, his dressage saddle blanket is going through the washing machine, and I spent the best part of our Sunday afternoon watching him run through a couple of dressage tests for later this week. Husband is going to give his time on Thursday night behind a barbque doing sausages (not horse meat) etc for the riders doing twilight practices for the next month – having spent the last month learning his new skill of ‘calling’ for dressage competitions which I must say he is brave doing, because I have seen a few ‘callers’ chopped down by the rider because they either called too early, too late, or the wrong test – or they were just their so the rider took out their frustration on them. Not an activity for the faint hearted.