Wednesday Wednesday, Sep 9 2009 

Just got my fix of Larks Rise of Candleford (I think thats the whole name) on UK television – entrancing group of village people with the best acting and actors. Fills the soul with peace and a bit of longing for times (not in my time though) of peaceful simple living, not the hurley burley of these times. I sound 80 but Im not, butI guess there is no going back to less complicated times. When teenagers smoked, and that was the worse thing they could do, or shock from them was swearing in front of their parents – a time when police were respected and feared, where just about everyone but a small minority were middle to low income earners, where people in their first or second job early 20’s didnt expect to be paid far more than someone older or more experienced – just because they had a degree. Yep, Im suffering the midlife crisis – or what Suzanne Braun Levine says is the second adulthood, just reading what I have typed is definitely someone pining for earlier years when I was young and drove a bit erratically, or drank a bit too much than I should, or sounded a bit too cocky to impress supervisors to get the next job etc. At least the guys wore their trousers around their puny hips, and females didnt where those ghastly thongs – womans knickers were meant to be hidden, and there wasnt too much bra strap showing – and what is it with all the clevege these days – is there nothing to be left to the imagination!!  My day trip –  has left me feeling a bit tired, a bit more panicky being a day older, grateful that I lived to be a day older.

Things to be grateful of today:

1. I have a teen that is alive and capable of snapping at me – some have died in fast cars driven by idiot friends, or drugs, or some illness.

2.No problems with the car –

3. The bus on peachgrove road was unsuccessful in forcing me off the road or damaging my car!!

4.My husband – I have someone to lunch with most days.

5.Water, when Im thirsty

6. Cups of tea made by my husband after work.

7. The scent of ‘Beautiful (Estee Lauder)  handcream gifted to me last christmas.

8. A job that pays well and keeps me dry, feed, and nurtures my family.

Tuesday Tuesday, Sep 8 2009 

Over on someone elses blog I note she lists ‘Todays nice things’ which confrms what I read about trying to stay in the now – that is to also be grateful for what is crops up in our day so here goes:

1. The family got up and left the house on time to drop off car & teen at college on time

2. The windscreen repair place was open early

3.Man of house made coffee for me & brought it to me in bed – making it easier to get out of bed

4.Got praise from boss ‘job well done etc’

5.Teen in good mood,

6.Got home at reasonable time to do some (tiny) writing.

7. Cold start to foggy morning but a lovely sunny clear sky spring day